A dog family member can enrich our lives in so many ways: by giving us companionship and love, by engaging us in lighthearted play, and by generally spreading joy and enthusiasm.
But, in all honesty, they can also cause stress, frustration, and chaos in the household. We don’t want that. The purpose of this book is to give you real-world tactics for correcting—or simply managing—these frustation-inducing behaviors. You will learn how to establish room boundaries that your dog is not allowed to cross (page 72), how to teach your dog to respect the children and other animals in the household (pages 30 to 33), and how to feed multiple dogs in a controlled way (page 68). You will learn how to correctly address your dog’s fear or aggression issues by using methods of counterconditioning and positive redirection. And you will learn to teach your dog basic commands such as “come,” “go to your spot,” and “drop it.”
You will use positive training methods to build a joyful relationship with your dog,
where he is a willing partner in the training process. Training builds relationships by deepening communication pathways, trust, and mutual respect. It offers a way to bond with your dog as you strive toward common goals. The trust and cooperative spirit developed through this process will last a lifetime.
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